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Sober Social Networks Spark Connections, Minus the Booze

Knowing what you need will make it easier to recognize who should be a part of your support network. However, for many people, it’s extremely helpful to put your goal in writing and to tell someone else who can help keep you accountable. Therapy is often an important aspect of treating alcohol addiction.

You never know what sort of challenges are going to come your way, and it can be very helpful to know that there are people around to support you no matter what happens. Unless you are prone to introspection and contemplation, it can be extremely helpful or even necessary to have people to talk to you about your feelings. If you attempt to go through recovery without the support of people to help you understand your situation, you may not be able to move forward as easily. However, your ultimate goal should be to surround yourself with people who do not enable you.

Sober Sistas

While surrounding yourself with others like you provides a sense of comfort, having a diverse group of friends gives you access to fresh new perspectives. When building your support network, consider attending 12 Step meetings and introducing yourself to everyone and seeing who you click with. By including individuals of different ages, cultures, backgrounds, and years of sobriety in your life, you will be exposed to a wealth of knowledge. With rehab facilities located throughout New Hampshire, Granite Recovery Center offers residential and outpatient treatment to individuals who are seeking treatment for alcohol or drug abuse. In addition to providing proven 12 Steps-based curricula, our treatment centers offer an extensive selection of program options for people from virtually every walk of life.

sober networking

However you go about it, you need to find someone who identifies with what you are going through. Living in a world in which you feel like you’re the only person who knows about your problem is a very lonely way to live. It might work for a while, but there’s likely not much longevity in it.

Pacific Beach Recovery Sober Blog

While addiction might have been isolating and lonely, your recovery should not be. Positive relationships are a key component Essential Tremor Alcohol Treatment of a healthy, fulfilling life. So, reinforce your current relationships and allow yourself to form new ones.

A Networking Event That Sparked a Romantic Partnership – The New York Times

A Networking Event That Sparked a Romantic Partnership.

Posted: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

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